How To Download WordPress Website From Cpanel

If you’re looking for a way to download your WordPress website from cpanel, you’ve come to the right place.

We’re going to walk you through the process of downloading your site from Cpanel and putting it on your local computer so that you can work with it offline.

It’s important to note that this won’t work with all websites—you can only do this if the site is hosted by Bluehost or another provider that uses Cpanel. However, if your website is hosted by one of these providers, this tutorial will show you how!

How To Download WordPress Website From Cpanel

  1. Installing WordPress in cPanel Manually. Download WordPress. Upload WordPress Install Script to Server. Create a MySQL Database and Database User. Create Database Users. Assign User to Database and Assign Permissions. Edit wp-config.php File. …
  2. Run WordPress Install Scripts. Complete the WordPress Installation.

WordPress (WP) is a widely used content-management system. Its ease of use, numerous themes, and plugins, as well as strong community support, have made it the number one solution in the world. WordPress is used for everything from simple blogs to complex websites.

In this tutorial, you will learn how to install WordPress with cPanel.

install wordpress manually using cpanel

Installing WordPress in cPanel Manually

What is cPanel? cPanel is where you administer your web hosting server account. Many control panels will come with automated WordPress installation script installers, such as Softaculous and Fantastico. If yours does not, you will need to install WordPress on cPanel manually.

Download WordPress

Download the most recent official version of the CMS from the WordPress website. Download the zip file, and save it to your desktop computer.

Once the zip file has been downloaded, go to its directory and extract the entire archive. Note the location of the extracted content, and upload it to your web server.

Upload WordPress Install Script to Server

1. Go to your cPanel account. You will find it by browsing to

2. Enter your user credentials and log in.

3. Find the File Manager tool and open it.

4. Look for the public_html directory. The public_html directory is your web root, the directory in which you want to store all your websites.

5. You need to decide on the location of your WordPress site. There are two options:

  • In the root directory of your domain (e.g.,

Upload all contents of the WordPress folder, but not the folder itself. After the upload, all WP files and subfolders should reside in public_html.

  • In a subfolder of your domain (e.g.,

Upload the entire WordPress folder. When finished, rename the WordPress folder to your desired name (e.g., MyBlog).

upload wp folder in cPanel

6. After you have extracted the WordPress installation archive, go ahead and delete the zip file from your web server. Right-click on the zip file and hit Delete.

The files should be extracted into a folder named WordPress. All the necessary WordPress folders and files should be listed in that folder. Right now, you can initiate the WordPress install by browsing to

However, before proceeding to the installation procedure, you need the following:

  1. A MySQL Database.
  2. A MySQL Database User with appropriate user credentials.
  3. A Database host.
  4. Table prefix if you want to run multiple WordPress sites in a single database.
  5. A Unique Phrase and Salt Key.
extract wp file in cPanel

If you haven’t created a MySQL database and database user, navigate back to cPanel to create one.

Create a MySQL Database and Database User

To accomplish this, use cPanel’s MySQL Database Wizard. Find this tool under the Database heading.

1. The first step is to create a Database. Name your database. Your hosting account name will prepend it.

2. Remember your database name. You will need it later.

3. Click Next Step to create the database.

Create Database Users

Next, the wizard will prompt you to create a database user.

1. Enter a username (seven characters maximum) and a password. Ideally, you want the strength meter to turn green and read Very Strong, indicating that the password is bulletproof. Your hosting account name will prepend the username.

create database user in cPanel

2. Note your password, or store it in a password manager, such as KeePass.

Assign User to Database and Assign Permissions

The newly created user doesn’t have access to the database.

1. Find the Add User To Database section of the page.

2. Under the User drop-down menu, select your newly created user.

3. Choose your newly created database under the Database drop-down menu and click Add.

4. The next step would be to assign database privileges. For the initial database user, select the All Privileges checkbox.

5. Click Make Changes to assign privileges to the user.

6. To verify, go back and scroll down to view current databases. There should be a database and a privileged user assigned to the database.

Once this has been set up, you can navigate back to and complete the installation.

Edit wp-config.php File

The database has been created, and the newly created superuser has been assigned to the database. To complete the process, you must edit the wp-config-sample.php file using a text editor.

Admins need to insert four (4) pieces of information to complete the process. The lines below are an example, and the information you insert may look different.

// ** MySQL settings - You can get this info from your web host ** //
/** The name of the database for WordPress */
define('DB_NAME', 'michaelh_demowp');
/** MySQL database username */
define('DB_USER', 'michaelh_dbuser');
/** MySQL database password */
define('DB_PASSWORD', 'abc.123.!@#');
/** MySQL hostname */
define('DB_HOST', 'localhost');

The important pieces of information are:

  1. DB_NAME. Database name.
  2. DB_USER. Username of the database user.
  3. DB_PASSWORD. This is the database user password.
  4. DB_HOST. In 99% of cases, it’s ‘localhost.’

Make sure to include the prepended parts when typing the value for DB_NAME and DB_USER. Additionally, bear in mind that for most cPanel hosts, the DB_HOST value is ‘localhost.’

Update Default Unique Keys and Salts

While still editing the wp-config-sample.php file, find the Authentication Unique Keys and Salts section of the document. Enter your Unique Key and Salt under the section mentioned above.

Create a Unique Key and Salt by visiting The WP API will generate a unique phrase and key. Copy them and replace the default wp-config-sample.php keys.

Rename the wp-config-sample.php

Save the completed file as wp-config.php. Do NOT save the file with its default name.

Potential Database Errors

If you encounter database connection errors, verify that the information typed into the wp-config.php file is correct.

When doing a document root installation, the wp-config.php file is located in the /home/cPanelAccountName/public_html directory.

Run WordPress Install Scripts

To finish the installation, run the install script by browsing to your WP’s directory.

  1. If you uploaded the files to the root directory, browse to
  2. If you uploaded WP installation files to a subfolder, browse to

In each case, once the install scripts are initiated, WordPress will prompt you to enter database details and write them in a new wp-config.php file. If this fails, you can go back and edit and upload the wp-config.php file yourself.

wordpress database connection details

Complete the WordPress Installation

The next step is the well-known five-minute WP installation procedure. Enter details such as Site Title, your desired WordPress Username and Password, and your Email Address. Please note that the username and password are for this instance of WordPress only. Do not enter the same username and password you used for your database user.

All of this information can be changed later in the WordPress Admin.

wordpress installation process

how to backup website from cpanel

Whether you’re a personal website owner or an online business entrepreneur, you want to make sure your website is secure. Losing your site data due to a human error, malware, or hardware malfunction can be hard to recover from.

Ensure this doesn’t happen by backing up your website on a regular basis. This might sound like a technically difficult task, but it’s actually quite simple to do.

Why and How Often Do You Need a Website Backup?

A website backup is a copy of all your data, files, and databases. Its purpose is to prevent data loss if something happens and your current site breaks down.

If you don’t have a backup service set up, you can lose essential data in case of an accident. If you’re running an eCommerce business, this can have a negative effect by interrupting revenue streams and losing the trust of your customers. 

While hosting providers and content management systems have ways to prevent data loss, no system is 100% secure. For example, WordPress powers 40.7% of all websites, making it a popular target for malware infections and hacking attempts. 

In fact, there are around 90,000 attacks on WordPress websites per minute. 

These are due to various WordPress vulnerabilities – 52% of them are due to WordPress plugins, and 11% are due to WordPress themes. This makes it crucial to ensure that the WordPress themes and plugins you install come from credible sources.

Furthermore, there’s a chance you might come across an error while updating the WordPress core files, themes, and plugins. Incomplete or corrupted data and files can result in your site not loading correctly, which might require you to restore the site to the previous version.  

The general rule of thumb is that you should backup your website whenever you make significant changes. You can also create a regular backup schedule by using a backup service, depending on how frequently you update your site

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