best web server for mac

Start delivering superior performance with this powerful multi-core web server. Powerful dual-core 1.5 GHz processor delivers excellent support for dynamic content, while 4GB of DDR3 memory enable maximum responsiveness and reliability of your website. This article also discuss macos server and best vps for mac

Phoenix is a high performance web server, delivering the best all-around performance by combining a fast, simple and familiar user interface with unique support for concurrency and advanced application monitoring.

best web server for mac

  • F5NGINX Open Source: The open source web server that powers more than 400 million websites. NGINX Plus is a software load balancer, web server, and content cache built on top of open source NGINX. Use NGINX Plus instead of your hardware load balancer and get the freedom to innovate without being constrained by infrastructure. Save more than 80% compared to hardware ADCs, without sacrificing performance or functionality. Deploy anywhere: public cloud, private cloud, bare metal, virtual machines, and containers. Save time by performing common tasks through the built‑in NGINX Plus API. From NetOps to DevOps, modern app teams need a self‑service, API‑driven platform that integrates easily into CI/CD workflows to accelerate app deployment – whether your app has a hybrid or microservices architecture – and makes app lifecycle management easier.View Software
  • lighttpdlighttpdSecurity, speed, compliance, and flexibility — all of these describe lighttpd (pron. lighty) which is rapidly redefining efficiency of a webserver; as it is designed and optimized for high performance environments. With a small memory footprint compared to other web-servers, effective management of the cpu-load, and advanced feature set (FastCGI, SCGI, Auth, Output-Compression, URL-Rewriting and many more) lighttpd is the perfect solution for every server that is suffering load problems. And best of all it’s Open Source licensed under the revised BSD license. lighttpd powers several popular Web 2.0 sites. Its high speed io-infrastructure allows them to scale several times better with the same hardware than with alternative web-servers.View Software
  • CaddyCaddyCaddy simplifies your infrastructure. It takes care of TLS certificate renewals, OCSP stapling, static file serving, reverse proxying, Kubernetes ingress, and more. Its modular architecture means you can do more with a single, static binary that compiles for any platform. Caddy runs great in containers because it has no dependencies—not even libc. Run Caddy practically anywhere. Caddy obtains and renews TLS certificates for your sites automatically. It even staples OCSP responses. Its novel certificate management features are the most mature and reliable in its class. Written in go, Caddy offers greater memory safety than servers written in C. A hardened TLS stack powered by the go standard library serves a significant portion of all Internet traffic. Caddy is both a flexible, efficient static file server and a powerful, scalable reverse proxy.View Software
  • Node.jsNode.jsAs an asynchronous event-driven JavaScript runtime, Node.js is designed to build scalable network applications. Upon each connection, the callback is fired, but if there is no work to be done, Node.js will sleep. This is in contrast to today’s more common concurrency model, in which OS threads are employed. Thread-based networking is relatively inefficient and very difficult to use. Furthermore, users of Node.js are free from worries of dead-locking the process, since there are no locks. Almost no function in Node.js directly performs I/O, so the process never blocks except when the I/O is performed using synchronous methods of Node.js standard library. Because nothing blocks, scalable systems are very reasonable to develop in Node.js. Node.js is similar in design to, and influenced by, systems like Ruby’s Event Machine and Python’s Twisted. Node.js takes the event model a bit further. It presents an event loop as a runtime construct instead of as a library.View Software
  • Tornado Web ServerTornadoTornado is a Python web framework and asynchronous networking library, originally developed at FriendFeed. By using non-blocking network I/O, Tornado can scale to tens of thousands of open connections, making it ideal for long polling, WebSockets, and other applications that require a long-lived connection to each user. Tornado is different from most Python web frameworks. It is not based on WSGI, and it is typically run with only one thread per process. While some support of WSGI is available in the tornado.wsgi module, it is not a focus of development and most applications should be written to use Tornado’s own interfaces (such as tornado.web) directly instead of using WSGI. In general, Tornado code is not thread-safe. Tornado is integrated with the standard library asyncio module and shares the same event loop (by default since Tornado 5.0). In general, libraries designed for use with asyncio can be mixed freely with Tornado.View Software
  • OpenRestyOpenRestyOpenResty® is a full-fledged web platform that integrates our enhanced version of the Nginx core, our enhanced version of LuaJIT, many carefully written Lua libraries, lots of high-quality 3rd-party Nginx modules, and most of their external dependencies. It is designed to help developers easily build scalable web applications, web services, and dynamic web gateways. By taking advantage of various well-designed Nginx modules (most of which are developed by the OpenResty team themselves), OpenResty® effectively turns the nginx server into a powerful web app server, in which the web developers can use the Lua programming language to script various existing nginx C modules and Lua modules and construct extremely high-performance web applications that are capable to handle 10K ~ 1000K+ connections in a single box. OpenResty® aims to run your server-side web app completely in the Nginx server, leveraging Nginx’s event model to do non-blocking I/O with the HTTP clients.View Software
  • CherokeeCherokeeCherokee is an innovative, feature-rich, lightning-fast and easy to configure open source web server designed for the next generation of highly concurrent secured web applications. All the configuration is done through Cherokee-Admin, a beautiful and powerful web interface. Cherokee supports the most widespread web technologies, FastCGI, SCGI, PHP, uWSGI, SSI, CGI, LDAP, TLS/SSL, HTTP proxying, video streaming, content caching, traffic shaping, etc. Cherokee runs on Linux, Mac OS X, Solaris, and BSD. It is highly efficient, extremely lightweight and provides rock-solid stability. Among its many features, there is one that deserves special credit, a user-friendly interface called cherokee-admin that is provided for a no-hassle configuration of every single feature of the server. This administration interface allows you to configure the webserver without having to worry about editing a text file written with a certain syntax.View Software
  • quarksuckless.orgThe goal of this project is to do one thing and do it well, namely serving static web directories and doing that right. Most other solutions either are too complex (CGI support, dependencies on external libraries, etc.) or lack features you expect (TLS, virtual hosts, partial content, not modified since, etc.). quark tries to find a midway and just restrict itself to being static while still offering functions you only find in more bloated solutions and being as secure as possible (chroot, privilege dropping, strict parsers, no malloc at runtime, pledge, unveil, etc.). We believe that most of the web does not need to be dynamic and increasing complexity on server-side applications is one of the main reasons for the web obesity crisis. The common approach nowadays is to do everything on the server, including parsing requests, modifying files and databases, generating HTML and all that using unfit languages like PHP or JavaScript, which is a security and efficiency nightmare.View Software
  • H2OH2OH2O is a new generation HTTP server that provides a quicker response to users with less CPU utilization when compared to older generation of web servers. Designed from the ground up, the server takes full advantage of HTTP/2 features including prioritized content serving and server push, promising an outstanding experience to the visitors of your website. Full support for dependency and weight-based prioritization with server-side tweaks. Thanks to others, H2O is provided as a binary package on some environments. Therefore you may try to at first install the software using your favorite packaging system, and then resort to installing from source. Generally speaking, we believe that using LibreSSL is a better choice for running H2O, since LibreSSL not only is considered to be more secure than OpenSSL but also provides support for new ciphersuites.View Software
  • Monkey ServerMonkey ServerMonkey is a lightweight and powerful web server and development stack for Linux & OSX. It has been designed to be very scalable with low memory and CPU consumption, the perfect solution for embedded devices. Made for ARM, x86 and x64. Monkey is a lightweight and scalable Web Server. Originally made for Linux, it’s also compatible with OSX. It have been designed with a strong focus on Embedded devices, therefore its scalable by nature having a low memory and CPU consumption, making it a real solution for high-end production servers too. Monkey is built and tested for different architectures such as ARM, x86 and x64. Monkey uses a hybrid mechanism composed by a fixed number of threads being each one capable to attend thousands of clients thanks to the event-driven model based in asynchronous sockets. The interaction between the scheduler and each worker thread is lock-free, avoiding race conditions and exposing a huge performance compared to other available options.View Software
  • TengineTengineTengine is a web server originated by Taobao, the largest e-commerce website in Asia. It is based on the Nginx HTTP server and has many advanced features. Tengine has proven to be very stable and efficient on some of the top 100 websites in the world, including Taobao and tmall. Tengine has been an open source project since December 2011. It is being actively developed by the Tengine team, whose core members are from Taobao, Sogou and other internet companies. Tengine is a community effort and everyone is encouraged to get involved. All features of Nginx-1.17.3 are inherited, i.e., it is compatible with Nginx. Support the connect HTTP method for forward proxy. Enhanced operations monitoring, such as asynchronous log & rollback, DNS caching, memory usage, etc. Sends unbuffered upload directly to HTTP and FastCGI backend servers, which saves disk I/Os. More load balancing methods, e.g., consistent hashing, session persistence, upstream health check, etc.

macos server

Services available in macOS and macOS Server

Learn about which services are available in macOS Server and which services have been migrated from macOS Server to macOS.

Services included in macOS Server 5.12 and later

The following services are included and fully supported in macOS Server 5.12 and later:

  • Profile Manager
  • Open Directory

Services included in macOS Server 5.7.1 through 5.11.1

The following services are included and fully supported in macOS Server 5.7.1 through 5.11.1:

  • Profile Manager
  • Open Directory
  • Xsan

Services migrated from macOS Server to macOS Big Sur and later

Command-line tools for Xsan management are included in macOS Big Sur and later. Learn more

Services migrated from macOS Server to macOS High Sierra and later

These services are now available in macOS High Sierra and later, and can be found in System Preferences > Sharing:

  • File Server
  • Caching Server
  • Time Machine Server

Service status

This table shows the status of each macOS Server service, and available alternatives.

Profile ManagerAvailable in Server 5.12.2Learn about choosing an MDM solution
XsanRemoved in Server 5.12Quantum, command-line tools built into macOS
FTPRemoved in Server 5.4SFTP/SSH
Server DocsRemoved in Server 5.4
iCloud Documents, Apache/WebDAV
DHCPUI tools removed in Server 5.7.1bootpd, built into macOS
DNSRemoved in Server 5.7.1BINDUnboundKnotDNS
VPNRemoved in Server 5.7.1OpenVPNSoftEther VPNWireGuard
FirewallUI tools removed in Server 5.7.1pf firewall (built into macOS)
Mail ServerRemoved in Server 5.7.1dovecot/PostfixCourier, KerioConnect
CalendarRemoved in Server 5.7.1CalendarServer, DavMail, Radicale, Kerio Connect
WikiRemoved in Server 5.7.1MediaWiki, PmWiki, XWiki, Confluence, WordPress WMX files
WebsitesUI tools removed in Server 5.7.1Apache HTTP Server (built into macOS), Nginx, Lighttpd
ContactsRemoved in Server 5.7.1CalendarServer, DavMail, Kerio Connect
NetBoot/NetInstallUI tools removed in Server 5.7.1BOOTP, TFTP, HTTP, NFS (all built into macOS), NetSUS, BSDPy
MessagesRemoved in Server 5.7.1ejabberd, Openfire, Prosody
RadiusRemoved in Server 5.7.1FreeRadius
AirPort ManagementRemoved in Server 5.7.1AirPort Utility

best vps for mac

How do I connect to a VPS in Windows 10?

Windows 10 already has built-in tools to connect to a VPS, and it’s very easy to do. Here’s how: 1. Open the Start menu and click “Settings.” 2.

How many VPS does Apple have?

Apple currently has three data centers – two in Austin, Texas and one in Maiden, North Carolina. It is rumored that Apple is in the process of constructing a fourth data center in North Carolina. All four data centers are located within close proximity to each other.

Can I run Windows on a VPS?

Running Windows on a Virtual Private Server (VPS) can provide a number of benefits for users. These can include increased security, faster performance, and the ability to use a dedicated IP address. However, there are a few considerations that should be taken into account before making the switch.

Can you game on VPS?

Can you game on a VPS? Yes, you can game on a VPS. However, keep in mind that your experience will vary depending on the specific VPS provider you choose.

Can you host email on VPS?

Hosting email on a cloud VPS is a great way to manage your email without having to install and maintain a separate email server. Cloud VPS providers offer a variety of options for hosting email, including shared hosting, dedicated hosting, and cloud hosting. Shared hosting providers usually offer lower-cost plans that include a limited number of email addresses and storage space.

Can you use a VPS as a computer?

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as the appropriate use of a VPS will vary depending on your specific needs. However, in general, VPSs can be used as computers, provided that they are configured and operated in a way that meets your specific needs. A VPS is essentially a virtual computer server.

Does Amazon have VPS?

Amazon does not currently offer VPS services. However, this could change in the future as Amazon continues to grow and expand their business. In the meantime, if you are looking for a cloud-based solution to your computing needs, Amazon Web Services is a great option.

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