Benefits Of Mobile Marketing For Business

Mobile marketing is an important part of the modern digital marketing mix because it reaches customers directly, without stepping through a sales funnel. Learn how to use this powerful channel to boost your business today!

In this guide, we review what is mobile marketing, the Benefits Of Mobile Marketing For Business, Why mobile technology is important for business, and benefits of mobile app marketing.

what is mobile marketing

Mobile marketing is a multi-channel, digital marketing strategy aimed at reaching a target audience on their smartphones, tablets, and/or other mobile devices, via websites, email, SMS and MMS, social media, and apps. It’s an effective way to connect with consumers in real time because it provides them with immediate access to information about your brand that might otherwise be difficult for them to find.

Mobile marketing is a multi-channel, digital marketing strategy aimed at reaching a target audience on their smartphones, tablets, and/or other mobile devices, via websites, email, SMS and MMS, social media, and apps.

Mobile marketing is a multi-channel approach to promoting business products or services through mobile channels such as cell phones (including feature phones), tablet computers or wireless devices. Mobile marketing can be categorized into three segments: Short Message Service (SMS) campaigns that include text messages sent via SMS to consumers; Interactive Voice Response (IVR) which refers to voice messages delivered through automated systems; and Mobile Display Advertising which includes banner ads displayed on the screens of smartphones/tabs etc.

the Benefits Of Mobile Marketing For Business

Mobile marketing has been around for a long time, but it’s just now that businesses are starting to take advantage of this powerful tool. Mobile marketing allows you to reach a larger customer base, which means more opportunities for sales. The fact that most people spend more time on their phones than they do their computers means that any business can reach its target audience by using mobile ads or text messages. Not only is mobile marketing cheaper than traditional advertising strategies like print ads and TV commercials, but it’s also easier to track leads generated through this method as well!

Mobile marketing allows you to reach a larger customer base

Mobile marketing is a more targeted form of advertising. You’re not blasting your ads to a wide range of consumers, but rather targeting customers who are already in the buying mindset and on the go. This means that you have a better chance of getting these customers’ attention and turning them into paying clients.

Mobile marketing can also help you reach out to customers at times when they’re most likely to respond. It’s much easier for someone shopping for shoes at home in their underwear with their phone than it is for someone sitting at work during their lunch break!

Finally, mobile ads may strike our attention more easily than other forms of advertising because they can be seen as less intrusive: unlike traditional advertisements like TV commercials or billboards (which we’re often forced to look at), ‘push notifications’ don’t require us to take out time from our day just so we can see them—they simply appear on our phone screens whenever they want us to see them!

Most people spend more time on their phones than their computers

Did you know that people spend more time on their phones than their computers?

It’s true! This isn’t just a trend, either—it’s been happening steadily for the last few years. And it isn’t just because we’re all too lazy to get up and open our laptop. We’ve all become addicted to social media, entertainment, and emailing friends during our free time. We also use our phones to check the weather, news and traffic reports so we can plan how long it will take us to get somewhere or know if we need a jacket when we leave the house.

So if you want to reach a lot of people with your message or product right now (and not wait until they come back into their office), then mobile marketing could help you reach them at just the right moment when they’re ready for what you have to offer!

Mobile users are more responsive

Your customers are constantly on their phones, so they’re more likely to respond to your message. People tend to respond better and take action faster when they’re on their phones than when they’re using a computer. This is because it’s easier for people to focus when they have only one device in front of them and not two (like a laptop and an iPad).

Mobile marketing is less expensive than traditional advertising

  • Mobile marketing is less expensive than traditional advertising.
  • It’s easy to track the response of your mobile marketing campaign.
  • You can get more information about your customers thanks to mobile dashboard tracking, which means you can improve future campaigns.
  • You can use your phone to make payments and shop online, so there’s no need for a credit card or cash on hand when making purchases.

It’s easy to track mobile leads

Tracking mobile leads is easier than you think. With the right tools, it’s possible to track how many people are converting from your ads, where they came from and what kind of device they used.

Mobile marketing is an excellent way to convert new customers because it doesn’t require the same commitment as desktop advertising. In fact, according to a report by Google and comScore, 40 percent of smartphone users are open to receiving ads on their phones (compared with only 11 percent on desktops). If you’re looking for a way to reach this large audience in a cost-effective way that will grow your business quickly and efficiently, mobile marketing could be the answer!

Mobile marketing allows you to be wherever your customers are.

Mobile marketing is a great way to get your brand out there and interact with customers. It allows you to be wherever your customers are, which means you can reach them at the time they are most receptive to hearing from you. If a customer spends a lot of time in their car during rush hour traffic, for example, then that’s when mobile marketing can really come into play. You could send out an advertisement for your business that promotes something related to quick stop-and-go purchases; this type of promotion would likely be far more effective than some other form because it comes at the right time and place for the consumer!

Why mobile technology is important for business

Consider the last time you checked email on your smartphone or made a quick update to a spreadsheet at home.

Now, what about your most recent conference call with participants sprinkled across different locations, likely both in and out of the office?

Nowadays, it seems near-impossible to think of a typical workday without these activities and tech affordances — mobile activities and affordances, that is.

The real impact of these mobile communication devices is felt when these tools are gone. Employees are relegated back to the days of landline-based phone calls and wired, desk-stationed hardware. They miss out on the powerful advantages of mobile technology and its state-of-the-art devices — devices that cut costs while freeing operations.

Read on to explore the vast influence the use of mobile technology has made in business today — and temperature check if your organization is taking full advantages of these devices.

What are the Benefits of Using Mobile Technology in Business?

The advantages of mobile technology in today’s workplace are numerous and dynamic.

1. Better Communication

“Better” here is the operative word. What exactly is better communication when organizations vary so greatly between purposes, values, scales, sizes, cultures and capacities?

Regardless of industry, businesses with good communication are ones that have established intuitive, unsiloed and easy-to-initiate communicative practices and behaviors. In other words, good business communication is when employees:

Mobile devices in business allow this to happen. It also unveils better communication beyond work teams:

2. Increased Collaboration With Colleagues

Telecollaboration is one of the driving forces behind integrating mobile devices and technology into your business.

Because of its borderless and wireless nature, mobile technology means teams can connect from anywhere. Those connections liberate personnel from office-only functionality and give them instant access to the documents and materials needed to get collaborative work done.

As an example, consider the basic G Suite — employees can use email, chat and video to talk with one another, review collaborative spreadsheets, prepare group presentations and save project notes on a Google Doc. They can do all this simultaneously, so long as all parties have an internet connection.

3. Ability to Work From Anywhere

Over 95% of American workers say they’d enjoy working from home. Honoring the growing telecommuting desire, over 40% of American workers said their employer offers some form of a work-from-home policy, including up to once a week.

Mobile technology has been the catalyst for this new definition of work. The impact of mobile technology on business means employees are no longer relegated to their desks to access office programs, documents, communication tools or even the company’s network.

4. Enhanced Responsiveness

Contrary to what many first believed, access to mobile technology actually improves the rates of employees responding to and managing work.

Remote or field-deployed personnel benefit the most from mobile communication technology. There are more ways than ever to get in touch with team members, meaning more ways for employees to receive notifications and respond to relevant communications. The days of using landline phones and hoping someone was at their desk are over.

Using mobile devices, workplaces can employ several quick-response communicative tools:

5. Reduced Operational Costs and Saved Time

Saving money and time is a dynamic business duo. Mobile technology in businesses has been shown to do both, offering mutually beneficial, time- and money-saving applications that can shave minutes — if not hours — off business tasks.

From mobile apps to the mobile devices operating systems themselves, there are numerous ways mobile technology ushers operational time and money savings:

6. Ability to Do More With Less

“More with less” doesn’t mean fewer people or smaller budgets. In this case, mobile-first technology makes it far more accessible for businesses of any size to harness the tools needed to get operations off the ground and therefore expedite growth.

From time-tracking and employee payment software to downloaded apps simplifying back-office tasks, digital file sharing and e-chatting all merged into the cloud, it takes businesses fewer physical resources to do the perfunctory tasks necessary to run the day-to-day office. Organizations have widely harnassed cloud-based integrative systems like DropBox, Google Suite, Intuit software and WordPress for this exact operational advantage — and show no signs of stopping.

Mobile technology has streamlined operations so much that it costs nearly 1000 times less to start a new business now than it did in the early 2000s, before the mobile revolution.

7. Increased Productivity

Mobile technology also allows employees to do more with less. With mobile software and applications liberating them from yesterday’s time-consuming tasks, personnel can redirect attention onto higher-order, value-adding activities — the kinds that propel an organization’s competitive advantage.

Studies continue to support the productivity-boosting impact of mobile technology for in and out-of-office employees:

8. A Contemporary Workplace

Employees today expect mobile technology integrated into the workplace. They assume BYOD policies for smartphones and even laptops, with an IT department assisting in securely connecting these devices to the company’s network. In fact, using these portable devices in and out of the office saves employees nearly an hour of work a day — a BYOD boost with huge morale benefits.

Organizations without smartphone, laptop and mobile device applications face serious shortcomings. Not only do they rely on legacy technology, but they also impede their employee’s efficiency and work outlook. Modern workplaces are ones that have embraced mobile technology and found ways to harmonize it with their network security and departmental operations, not avoid it.

9. Harness More Data — And Actually Use It

More data isn’t synonymous with better data. Yet mobile technology in businesses equips teams with resources to cut through the noise, simplifying our often data-saturated departments.

Mobile-integrated data software usage is also on the rise, as more businesses realize the importance of turning data actionable. Many popular enterprise resource planning (EPR) systems today, such as Microsoft Dynamics, SAP Business One and Oracle ERP Cloud, include mobile-friendly data dashboards as a main feature in their software. This allows users to access real-time, live data updates and reports wherever they are, plus tailor feeds and filters to generate only the most relevant data streams on their devices.

10. Access the Cloud

Last but never least, the usage of mobile technology in the workplace fuels business to take part in the cloud.

Cloud-based services have exploded in the past few years. Organizations of all sizes have worked to keep pace, implementing one of four main cloud architectures to store and share information better — private clouds, public clouds, community clouds or a hybrid version with private and public offerings.

benefits of mobile app marketing

The digital landscape is changing rapidly, driven in part by the heightened use of mobile devices. Smartphones are now utilized by a gobsmacking half of the world’s population. That’s nearly 4 billion global smartphone holders. These tech-savvy users are looking for fast, easy ways to do everything from banking to shopping right from their phones. Mobile apps are a key way to connect with this potential market.

The Top 6 Benefits of Developing a Mobile App for Your Business

Developing a custom mobile app not only helps your business stay relevant and at the forefront of new technology. But they also help improve client relationships and build brand loyalty. Whether you are looking to develop a mobile app, or ready to update your current one, here are six reasons why your business needs a modern custom mobile app today.

1. Mobile Apps Strengthen Customer Relationships

76% of consumers prefer to save time by shopping on their phones, and most smartphone users prefer mobile apps over websites. Payments on mobile applications are estimated to increase from 41.8% in 2019, to 52.2% in 2023. These are just a few reasons why a custom mobile app is valuable to customers.

Your customers no longer want to wait for a website to load. They want fast, easy access to your business at the touch of a button. A custom app is an effective way to get customers the information and services they want immediately. Apps are also an engagement tool. Many brands offer app-only campaigns and deals to encourage engagement. These loyalty programs are a great way to attract and retain customers. Starbucks’ reward program is a great example. All of this works together to build and strengthen your customer relationships.

2. Mobile Apps Also Strengthen Your Brand

Mobile apps are not solely for name brands like Walmart or Bank of America. In fact, small and midsize businesses are following the mobile app trend, understanding that an effective mobile strategy involves more than just a mobile-friendly website.

A customized mobile app can build credibility, familiarity, and trust with customers. And the results are remarkable. Cloud-based Telegram, a messaging app, is now the most popular non-game-based app in the world. Why? Because of its light-speed loading capacity and ease of use. The app doesn’t offer anything too fancy. It promises a seamless experience and delivers. And that has skyrocketed Telegram’s brand equity.

3. Mobile Apps Offer Customers 24/7 Access To Your Business

Unlike a physical store, mobile apps offer customers 24/7 access to your products and services. With targeted messaging and information, apps are also much more convenient to access than websites. Some apps are even accessible without the internet.

Customers can have their questions answered at any time of day, without having to speak to an actual service representative. They can also find the information they need without sifting through several web pages. The convenience of a mobile app is incredibly valuable to customers. This established your brand as a reliable resource customers can turn to again and again.

4. Mobile Apps Provide Excellent Customer Insights

A mobile app can be tailored exactly to your customer’s preferences. These preferences can then be utilized as you examine future growth. What app features did customers utilize most and what is in highest demand? Data and feedback collected from apps can even inform an entire marketing campaign if gathered correctly.

5. Mobile Apps Are Excellent Marketing Tools

A customized mobile app enhances your marketing communication needs. Specialized messaging, contact information, team information, and even engagement tools like contests and campaigns can be managed from the app. They can be branded with your colors, logos, and taglines.

These visual tools are part of a phenomenon called effective frequency. The more customers recognize your marketing collateral, participate in campaigns, or engage with your app, the more likely they are to have long-term memory of your brand.

6. Mobile Apps Are Cost-Effective

Mobile apps eliminate the need for tangible marketing goods and can cut down on marketing campaign costs. Mobile apps can even save you money internally. Apps can boost employee efficiency by increasing engagement, improving communication, cutting down on busy work, and streamlining data. This saves serious money in the long run. In addition, businesses can actually earn money from their apps with ads targeted to in-app purchases.

Technology is constantly evolving. And so are customer demands and expectations. It is more important than ever to keep your business competitive. Developing a mobile app is an effective way to meet customer expectations, expand your business, and attract potential customers. Ready to learn more? Contact TechGenies today to get started on your new app today.

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