Anti Adblock Script For WordPress

Since I’m a plugin developer (and a busy one at that), I tend to get annoyed when my users have to disable their anti adblock software on my site. Aside from the fact that it’s not really my problem, it’s annoying because I usually have to change functionality or put a message above the form that says they will need to disable it.

Anti Adblock Script For WordPress

After all, everybody hates ads … unless you’re a marketer or have an online business. In which case you need them to make a living.

Last year, adblocking grew by 41% globally and there are now over 198 million active users using adblockers all around the world. Wow!

So what can you do when most of your visitors or blog readers indeed use some form of an adblocker? Here’s a handful of anti adblock WordPress plugins that can help:

 Some of these plugins haven’t been updated in a while. Plus, ad blocking is a tough topic to master, and not all of these plugins will work for you in every situation. It’s best to treat this as a list of options to try out and pick the one that works best for your site.

5 anti #adblock #WordPress #plugins to test out 

1. Ad Blocker Notify

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does not exist.

It’s an easy to use solution to reason with your audience and try convincing them politely to consider disabling adblocking when going through your site.

Here’s how it works:

Through its inner “magic,” the plugin detects if the visitor uses any sort of adblocker. If they are, you get the opportunity to display a targeted message to them.

You have full control over that message and can customize it freely. Example:

Anti adblock WordPress plugins: adblock notify demo

You can tweak the popups the way you want by choosing multiple templates, animations, effects, colors, catchy titles etc. If you want to send a popup at a specific time during your clients’ visit, Ad Blocker Notify lets you do that too (you decide when it’s the right moment for it to show up). Also, you can write custom CSS in order to make the messages more convincing. Powerful visuals always catch visitors’ attention better.

By the way, you don’t have to worry that the plugin itself will be blocked by adblockers. It comes with a couple of mechanisms that prevent that from happening.

As an added bonus, you can track Ad Blocker Notify’s performance through the plugin’s statistics regarding the impact that adblockers are having on your site.

2. AdBlock X

AdBlock X

Author(s): DDC Inc.

Current Version: 3.0.2

Last Updated: November 4, 2016

86%Ratings50+InstallsWP 3.0+Requires

In a sentence, this anti adblock WordPress plugin plays the role of Google Analytics, but for adblockers. It brings you a complex dashboard with lots of stats, numbers, and percentages about adblockers’ impact on your site.

Unique visitors, visitors with adblockers, page views with an adblocker enabled, how many times the blocker was disabled at your request … those are just a handful of the insights that AdBlock X gives you.

The interface is very friendly and it also offers visuals, such as grids and charts.

This plugin lets you create custom messages, through which you can ask people to whitelist your site. You can also choose the way you want the messages to be displayed.

adblock x rules

3. Ad Blocking Detector

Ad Blocking Detector

Author(s): Admiral

Current Version: 3.6.0

Last Updated: August 31, 2018

90%Ratings200+InstallsWP 4.4+Requires

This anti adblock WordPress plugin has a very original approach toward adblocking. It gives you some shortcodes that you can use to communicate with those of your visitors who use adblockers.

For instance, you can show them a custom message instead of the original article. This effectively means that your visitors will be able to see your content only if they disable their adblocking tools.

Anti adblock WordPress plugins: ad blocker detector demo

This plugin can be used as a widget too. Just go to Appearance / Widgets, drag the “Ad Blocking Detector” widget to any Widget Area, select one of the available shortcodes, and click “Save.”

ad blocker detector widget

4. Simple Adblock Notice

Simple Adblock Notice

Author(s): Shrinivas Naik

Current Version: 2.4.0

Last Updated: November 16, 2021

54%Ratings100+InstallsWP 3.0+Requires

A simple plugin displaying a notification in case the visitor uses an adblocker.

This anti adblock WordPress plugin comes with a very basic free version, in which you can only set how often the notification will appear. For some other features, you need to upgrade to premium, which is $5.

In it, you can customize the notification message, the title, and also choose the pages where the message should show up.

Simple Adblock Notice also comes with an option called “Strict mode,” which hides the entire website until the user disables their adblocker. This option makes your WordPress website completely unavailable until adblockers are no longer being detected.

This is what the popup looks like by default, in the free version:

simple adblock notice

5. Block AdBlock

Block AdBlock

Author(s): Admiral

Current Version: 1.4

Last Updated: July 2, 2018

70%Ratings500+InstallsWP 3.2+Requires

This plugin is very easy to use and to set up. The main advantage of Block AdBlock is that it works super quickly.

Just install it, click on “Kill AdBlock Settings” in your wp-admin menu, and a simple, straightforward window will show up. Select/check all your preferences, and click “Save Changes”:

kill adblock

As you can see, you can write your own message and choose from three ways of showing it: Sticky BarFull Screen, and Flying Box (pop-up).

This is what the full-screen version looks like (by using it, you won’t allow people to see your website’s content until they disable their adblocker):


Anti Adblock Script For Blogger

Why use anti Adblock script for Blogger?

The sole purpose of using this Anti Adblock Scriptis to generate revenue by forcing users to enable Ads on your website/blog through which you can keep your website/blog working with the help of revenue.

Features of anti Adblock script for Blogger

Below are some of the features of using this Anti Adblock Script:

  • Created for Google Blogger/Blogspot
  • Probably the most advanced Anti Adblock Script For Blogger
  • Easy to install
  • Blocks the majority of the Adblock plugins/extensions.
  • Light-weight and minified code which doesn’t impact performance
  • Highly effective script
  • Blocks entire page and adds modal windows with a short message

How to add anti Adblock script to Blogger?

1. Log into your Blogger

2. Select “Theme” and click on “Dropdown icon beside Customize” then Click on “EDIT HTML”.

3. Add the below CSS code just before </head> tag.

  19px;border:1px solid
  .inner{background:#f5f2f2;color:#000;box-shadow:0 5px 20px
  auto}#pbt button{padding:10px
  20px;border:0;background:#e9e9e9;margin:20px;box-shadow:0 5px 10px
  rgba(0,0,0,.3);cursor:pointer;transition:all .2s}#pbt{background:#fff}#pbt
  .tutorial div{display:none}#pbt .tutorial{display:block}#pbt
  ol{margin-left:20px}@media(max-width:680px){#pbt .inner{width:calc(100% -

4. Then add the below JS code just before </body> tag.

  <script type='text/javascript'> //<![CDATA[ 
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5. Boom! You have successfully installed anti Adblock script in Blogger. 

Video Tutorial

Youtube video


I know that ads are very annoying and users gets were irritated by ads, but ads are the only way through which one can earn from their blog. Install this anti Adblock script for Blogger and don’t let Adblock plugins/extensions take away all your hard-earned money. 

Also, read our blog on how to add breadcrumbs in Blogger? If you find any difficulties or errors in installing the Adblock script then do comment below, I will love to help you out.

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